Why would I want to use the HTML5 Pointer Events API to develop my web application?
There are multiple reasons for using HTML5 Pointer Events to develop web applications. These include: cross-browser and OS compatibility; a straightforward, event driven programming model; fast ramp-up to useful webapp production; and a consistent API for handling pen, touch, and mouse input. See Web API - Overview for more information.
What kind of applications does HTML5 Pointer Events support?
See Web API - Overview for a list of popular app genres developed with HTML5 Pointer Events.
What other web APIs are available?
Depending on your webapp needs, two very good and popular alternatives are:
Wacom WILL web API support:
- Log in to https://developer.wacom.com/developer-dashboard/downloads
- Download WILL3 SDK for Ink for Web
WebGL: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGL_API
What tablet pen properties does HTML5 Pointer Events support?
See Web API - Basics for details.
What tablet touch properties does HTML5 Pointer Events support?
See Web API - Basics for details.
What PC mouse properties does HTML5 Pointer Events support?
See Web API - Basics for details.
Where can I find HTML5 Pointer Events programming examples?
See the ScribbleDemo Using Pointer Events - Sample Code page for details.
What browsers does HTML5 Pointer Events support?
This site indicates browsers and their versions that support HTML5 Pointer Events: https://caniuse.com/#feat=pointer-events
What Wacom tablets support HTML5 Pointer Events?
All Wacom tablets supported by the Wacom driver are supported by this API. Get the tablet driver that supports your device at: https://www.wacom.com/support/product-support/drivers.
Does Wacom still support the old WebAPI plugin?
Wacom no longer supports the WebAPI plugin. This is due to restrictive security measures added to the major browsers (e.g. Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge, etc.) that made it impossible for the WebAPI to function as needed.