1. Have you installed the latest version? At the time of writing (Aug 2024) this is and should appear in "Apps and Features" as such:
If needed the latest version can be downloaded from https://developer.wacom.com/en-us/developer-dashboard/downloads under "Wacom Device Kit" -> "STU SDK for Windows Desktop"
2. Is the STU SigCaptX Windows Service running? Check in Windows Services as shown below:
If the service is not shown then the installation has failed - try re-installing the product.
If the service appears but is not shown as "Running" try starting it.
3. Check that STU SigCaptX is listening on the expected port - the default value is 9000.
To do this run Task Manager and scroll down the Services tab, then look for the PID value assigned to "WacomSTUSigCaptX" - in the example below this is 5968.
Now start a command prompt and run the following command:
netstat -a -o -n | find "9000"
This should give the following output:
4. Run PortCheck.html from the STU SigCaptX samples using Chrome or Edge (Firefox is prone to security issues) - it should show the following:
If the above port check shows that either the Web Service or DCA are not connected then follow the FAQ on Handling STU SigCaptX Port Conflicts