How to install a licence
Importing the licence from a text file
NB: It is recommended to assign the licence value to a variable or a constant and populate the variable in the code by importing its value from a text file or database. This avoids needing to modify the application code each time the licence is changed.
For more information, click here.
Manually inserting the licence
Modifying the application code to add the licence manually is illustrated below:
Signature SDK
JavaScript* sample
As illustrated in CaptureImage.js use the following syntax:
for example:
If using the Wizard control then only the WizCtl needs to be licensed - the licence is automatically applied to the SigCtl as well:
wizCtl = new WizCtl();
wizCtl.licence = "licence_string";
*The section above is about the JavaScript sample for the Signature SDK for Windows. It is not to be confused with the sample for the Wacom Signature SDK for JavaScript, which is a different product.
Java sample
SigCtl sigCtl = new SigCtl();
C# sample
SigCtl sigCtl = new SigCtl();
sigCtl.Licence = "licence_string";
VB.NET sample
Dim sigCtl As New SigCtl
sigCtl.Licence = "licence_string"
Delphi sample
sigCtl := TSigCtl.Create(Self);
sigCtl.Licence := 'licence_string';
Note that Delphi TString is limited to 255 characters so you need to cut the licence up into consecutive strings, e.g.
license_string := 'first part of the license' + 'another part of the licence' + '.....' + 'last part of the license.';
HTML/Javascript sample
As illustrated in SigCaptX-SessionControl.js use the following code structure:
sigCtl.PutLicence("licence_string", onSigCtlPutLicence);
If you are using the WizCtl make sure that the licence string is applied to it in the same way, i.e.
WizCtl.PutLicence("licence_string", onWizCtlPutLicence);
As mentioned in the JavaScript section above, when using the Wizard Control the licence only needs to be applied to the WizCtl - there is no need to apply it to the SigCtl as well. Our sample code on Github does both - this does no harm but is not necessary.
To make it easier to find the place where the licence string must be inserted in the sample code search for the string "<<licence>>" in the appropriate source file.
The SDK samples can be downloaded from the Signature SDK and SigCaptX GitHub repositories.
To view the licence used in an application click the pen nib icon at the top left of the Signature Capture window, then <About> to display licence information.