General Installation
Run the Preferences utility from the command line
The Wacom Preferences Utility (located in C:\Program Files\Tablet\Wacom\32) can be run from the command line as follows:
N.B. in recent driver versions, PrefUtil.exe is located in C:\Program Files\Tablet\Wacom\PrefUtil.exe
Command | Introduced | Action |
/remove-all | Removes preferences for all users and restarts the individual driver processes: WacomHost.exe, Wacom_Tablet.exe, Wacom_TabletUser.exe, Wacom_TouchUser.exe (must be run as admin) | |
/remove | Remove current user preferences and restarts the individual driver processes: WacomHost.exe, Wacom_Tablet.exe, Wacom_TabletUser.exe, Wacom_TouchUser.exe | |
/backup [backup file] | Backs up preferences. Will attempt to create directory if invalid. File extension must be .wacomxs or .wacomprefs | |
/restore [backup file] | Restores preferences of the specified file path and restarts the individual driver processes. File extension must be .wacomxs or .wacomprefs | |
/silent | Suppresses dialogs and output. Flag is not currently implemented for /export and /import | |
/export [export file] | Exports applications. If "export file" is not present it will use default. File extension must be .wacomxs | |
/import [import file] | Imports applications. File extension must be .wacomxs | |
/restart | 6.3.28-3 | Restarts the driver without removing the user's preferences or restarting the Tablet service |
/logs-on | 6.3.29-4 | Enables the Driver logging function of the preference file utility |
/logs-off | 6.3.29-4 | Disables the Driver logging function of the preference file utility |
/logs-dll-on | 6.3.30-b2 | Enables the Wintab logging and Driver logging functions of the preference file utility |
/logs-dll-off | 6.3.30-b2 | Disables the Wintab logging and Driver logging functions of the preference file utility |
/clear-logs | 6.3.29-4 | Performs the clear logs function of the preference utility |
/package-logs | 6.3.29-4 | Performs the package logs function of the preference utility |
/extract-waczip | 6.3.28-4 | Extracts the WacomLogs.waczip file located on the current user's desktop to C:\Wacom\Logs, if that directory exists |
/extract-waczip <file-path> | 6.3.29-4 | Extracts the waczip file in the specified path to C:\Wacom\Logs, if that directory exists |
N.B. The Preferences utility will automatically exit when it has finished and may also display a "not responding" message while it is processing - this is normal behaviour.
The table below shows the arguments which can be passed in the command line to control the preference file utility using the following command format:
/Applications/Wacom\ Tablet.localized/Wacom\ Tablet\\ Tablet\ Utility --<argument>
Command | Action |
--restart | Restarts the drivers |
--uninstall | Removes the drivers |
--restore | Removes current users Prefs and restarts the drivers. When run as super-user removes all users prefs. |
--restore | Restores Prefs from given path. In super-user mode it is a no-op |
-h --help | This message |
Note that --remove & --restore may be combined; --remove will execute first. When file extension omitted search order is .wacompref then .wacomxs