Test signature capture
To test signature capture use any of the following methods:
Javascript Test
The Signature SDK includes a number of code samples for JavaScript.
Download and unzip the batch files from: Sign.zip The zip file contains:
Sign.bat - 32-bit signature capture derived from the Signature SDK samples
Sign-64.bat - 64-bit version of signature capture
Start a Command Prompt (Start...cmd.exe) to run the batch file Sign.bat in a folder:
(The single batch file contains commented sections for separate batch file and javascript processing)
The test calls the 32-bit version of the Signature SDK ActiveX component, installed as the default in most cases.
The error message 'Microsoft JScript runtime error: Automation server can't create object' indicates that the 32-bit Signature SDK has not been installed.
To test a 64-bit Signature SDK installation use: Sign-64.bat
The batch file uses the 64-bit version of cscript to call the Signature SDK ActiveX component.