Use Remote Desktop for signature capture
Use the monochrome STU-430V serial device or colour STU-540 pad (which can be configured to operate serially).
When STU pads operate as serial devices they are not subject to the same restrictions which Windows applies to STUs operating as standard USB devices.
Instructions for setting up the 430V are provided on the STU serial connection guide.
For the 430V please see also STU-430V Installation and Configuration.
For the 540 please see also Configuring the STU-540 for serial operation
The STU 430V and 540 in serial mode can be used with both our SDKs - STU and Signature - subject to appropriate coding.
N.B. The STU-430V is a discontinued product, i.e. no longer being manufactured, so if you don't already have one you may find it difficult to obtain.