sign pro PDF Version 4
Using the STU-540 with sign pro PDF in serial mode
How do I configure sign pro PDF to work over a serial connection with the STU-540 on-board images i.e. in signature mode?
Download the Serial Connection Utilities
Open a command prompt and change to the directory where you downloaded the utilities.
Ensure that the STU-540 is in in HID mode by running query from the command line. If query fails to produce any output then either the 540 isn't plugged in or it is in serial mode.
If you suspect it is in serial mode run getserialports from the command line.
This should produce an output like this:
COM5 virtual
You now know that the 540 is running on virtual COM port COM5 so you can convert it to HID mode as follows:
serial2hid COM5 128000
Upload your required images to the 540 using the Image Uploader
Create a configuration file containing settings which exactly match the values used in your image upload.
The easiest way of doing this is to use the File -> Save option in the Image Uploader itself. -
Use the hid2serial conversion tool to switch your STU-540 back to serial mode.
This is just a matter of typing hid2serial at your command prompt.Run getserialports to find out which COM port the 540 is running on (see 3 above).
Create three registry settings in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE{WOW6432Node}Florentis\sd as follows:
stuSigModeConfig (type REG_SZ).
This setting must contain the absolute path of the configuration file on your PC followed by a number as explained here:Upload signature screen to STU-540 – Developer Support (
stuBaudRate (type REG_DWORD) This must be set to a value of 128000
stuPort (type REG_SZ) This must be set to the virtual COM port on which the 540 is running e.g. COM5
Here is a sample screenshot of the registry settings:
If the registry key sd doesn't already exist under HKLM\SOFTWARE\{WOW6432Node\}Florentis then please create it first.
Open sign pro PDF and sign a document in the usual way.
NB: sign pro PDF will fail to capture a signature if used in Trial mode - you must use either Standard or Premium mode.