STU HID 诊断工具
安装 STU 平板电脑。
彩色模型需要STU 驱动程序
下载并解压缩诊断程序以在 32 位或 64 位 Windows 上运行。
通常,您需要在 Dos 提示符下运行以下命令并将结果文本文件通过电子邮件发送:
C:\Test>hidinfo.exe all > hidinfo.txt
语法:隐藏信息 [选项]
- 文件名显示底层文件名
- 内核显示内核句柄
- attr 显示 HidD 报告的 HID 属性
- caps 显示功能的报告 ID
- all 显示一切
- /? 帮助
使用命令提示符运行 hidinfo.exe:
STU 设备报告应类似于以下示例之一:
056a:00a2:0068 [xRW] Manufacturer="Wacom Co.,Ltd." Product="STU-300" SerialNumber="\x0409"
056a:00a1:0101 [xRW] Manufacturer="Wacom Co.,Ltd." Product="STU-500" SerialNumber="\x0409"
056a:00a3:0101 [xRW] Manufacturer="Wacom Co.,Ltd." Product="STU-520A" SerialNumber="\x0409"
In the examples shown, the device accessibility is described as [xRW]
- The first character ('x' or 's') denotes exclusive or shared access.
- The second character ('R') denotes read access.
- The third character ('W') denotes write access.
Note: By default the signature software requires exclusive-read-write access to the device to operate successfully.
In some installations other applications or installed drivers may access the device in shared mode.
In this case, only shared access is possible: [sRW] indicates the device is only available for shared-read-write access.
Note, this will prevent the signature software operating successfully.
If another application has opened the device for exclusive access, then "hidinfo" will be unable to open the device and will report an error.
This is typically:
[Open failed] [system_error: win32api:32 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. ]
"hidinfo" determines the available access by a process of elimination using standard API calls to the Windows CreateFile API.
It will try in sequence:
CreateFile (文件名,GENERIC_READ,
0,... CreateFile(文件名,0,0,... CreateFile(fileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, ... CreateFile(fileName, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, ...