The STU-540 includes a number of alternative operating modes:
- Normal
- Signature Capture
- Key Pad
- PIN Pad
- Slide Show
In the alternative operating modes the STU firmware processes the user interface, such as indicating a pushed button. This is achieved by preloading the tablet with images ready for immediate display.
This is particularly important when using the relatively slow serial interface since there is no need to transfer images between user interface operations. In addition the images are stored in non-volatile memory and can be managed independently.
Note that the STU-541 also supports the alternative operating modes.
The difference is that the STU-541 uses encrypted communication and does not support serial communications. Because of encryption the STU-540 test utilities are not compatible with the STU-541
Normal mode
The normal mode is unchanged from the older STU models.
Signature Capture mode
In the Signature Capture mode a capture screen is displayed as shown in the first image below. Up to three capture screens can be defined with the options - see second image.
For further details see: STU-540 Signature Capture Mode Configuration and Operation
Key Pad mode
Use the Key Pad mode to make a selection by clicking a graphic. The Key Pad selection screen can be configured in a number of ways, for example:
For further details see: STU-540 Key Pad Mode Configuration and Operation
PIN Pad Mode
Use the PIN Pad mode to input a number. The PIN code entry screen can be configured in a number of ways as shown below. The 3 PIN pad types are illustrated followed by the 5 key layouts.
For further details see: STU-540 PIN Pad Mode Configuration
Slide show
Upload images to the tablet and select the auto display function. Store up to 10 images for a round robin display, with a programmable interval between each screen update.
For further details see: STU-540 Slide Show Mode
The images used by the different operating modes are stored in on-board flash memory (ROM) for immediate retrieval.
For further details see: STU-540 ROM Store Configuration and Operation