Error Messages
- Version mismatch detection error flsx.jar/flsx.dll
- Signature capture component is not licensed
- STU 540 display remains blank but an "Evaluation" signature window appears on PC monitor
- The capture window on the STU 540 takes a very long time to appear when used serially
- Strong name validation error
- GDIplus error: Win32Error
- Primary reference Florentis.InteropFlSigCapt could not be resolved
- Florentis assertion failure
- Failed to retrieve a COM class factory for component with CLSID...class not registered
- COM exception - bitmap not in a suitable format
- Capture returned 101 - Tablet Error when using the 540 in serial mode
- Tablet Error (code 101) when trying to capture a signature
- Automation server can't create object
- Unsatisfied Link when compiling Java application - no flsx.jar in library path
- String missing error on the signature capture window