- How to force input from a specific type of signature device
- How to get the serial number or unique ID of a Wacom signature device
- What development languages are compatible with the Wacom Signature SDK?
- How do I change font width and colour?
- Customising the signature capture window
- Save signatures to a PDF file
- Installation log file location
- HTML signature sample code will not work with Chrome, Edge or Firefox
- Save signature image to file from HTML
- Location of jar files
- Location and names of the Signature SDK DLLs
- Can I make a signature image transparent?
- Can I imprint information such as the signer name, reason, date and time on the signature image?
- Bitmap dimensions for RenderBitmap when saving a signature to file
- Alignment of the "who", "why" and "when" text in the capture window
- How do I change the format of the date of signing in the signature capture window?
- What determines whether encryption is used with the Signature SDK and can I turn it off?
- Technical fact sheets for Wacom signature devices
- Supported input devices
- Signature devices supported on Citrix
- Operating system support
- Support for Web browsers
- Ensuring signature integrity
- Handling PDF documents
- Where is the Signature SDK sample code