General Questions
- Document display will not scroll
- No green tick shown against signature or eSeal in the document
- Why can't I open my dynamic (XFA) PDF document with sign pro PDF?
- Why am I getting a "String missing" error on my signature capture window?
- What PDF ISO standard does sign pro PDF comply with?
- The selected certificate has expired
- What is the purpose of the Signing Certificate?
- What happens if I lose my Signing Certificate?
- Signatures marked as invalid in other PDF readers
- How to verify legally the validity of a signed document
- How do I specify default values for the signatory name and reason for signing?
- How do I sign with a serial STU-430V tablet?
- How do I sign on a tablet not branded as Wacom such as Lenovo ThinkPad Laptop?
- How do I sign with an STU-540 tablet operating in serial mode?
- How do I sign in multiple locations if there are multiple keywords or multiple occurrences of a keyword in the PDF document?
- Can I remove or hide the signing information which appears underneath the signature?
- How do I copy/paste a signature from sign pro PDF into another Wacom application
- After defining keywords in sign pro PDF how do I sign documents which don't contain any of those keywords?
- Can I exchange signed PDF documents between Windows and Mobile versions of sign pro PDF?
- How can I create new documents for sign pro PDF?